Message from the Executive Director
To our generous supporters, thank you for investing in Childcare Resources over the past 28 years! Because of you, we are able to ensure the availability and affordability of high-quality early childhood education and family support programs for income-eligible working families in Indian River County. But our work does not stop there…
In the last decade, we have had tremendous growth and development of robust programs that make Childcare Resources a unique resource for children, families, and early educators in this community. In the next few pages, we will highlight some of the amazing work that is currently being done here. But again our work does not stop there…
Through your generosity, Childcare Resources is able to work towards a future in which our vision, all children and their families benefit from a high-quality learning experience, is a reality. As we look ahead to the future, I am excited to share with you that we are embarking on a strategic visioning process in which our Board of Directors and other stakeholders will plan the direction of Childcare Resources for years to come. I look forward to sharing more information with you later this year.
The future of our community depends on the education and development of our youngest minds. Thank you for investing in our programs that do just that. With your help, we have the opportunity to change a generation of children!
Warm regards,
Shannon McGuire Bowman, MA, CFRE
Executive Director

Financial Summary
Current Assets: | |
Cash and cash equivalents | 1,065,920 |
Grants receivable | 225,000 |
Accounts receivable | 293,141 |
Prepaid expenses | 10,296 |
Total Current Assets | 1,594,357 |
Endowment investments | 661,557 |
Assets held for capital projects | 13,905 |
Property and equipment, net | 1,359,646 |
Other assets | 12,783 |
Total Assets | 3,642,248 |
Liabilities and Net Assets | |
Current Liabilities: | |
Notes payable to bank | 236,700 |
Accounts payable and accrued expenses | 127,165 |
Prepaid tuition fees and deposits | 19,419 |
Deferred revenues | - |
Total Current Liabilities | 383,284 |
Net Assets: | |
Without donor restrictions | 2,069,796 |
With donor restrictions | 1,189,168 |
Total net assets | 3,258,964 |
Total liabilities and net assets | 3,642,248 |

The Childcare Resources School
The Childcare Resources School provides high-quality childcare developing the minds of many young children who might otherwise be deprived of the opportunity to attend a quality early education program. With your support, we are able to reduce the parents’ childcare cost burden, while they are able to focus on full-time employment, attend school full time, or a combination of both (required by the program) while their children receive a high-quality education.
The Childcare Resources School and its contracting centers are accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Accreditation through NAEYC is the gold standard for early childhood programs across the country. NAEYC is nationally known as a best practice organization that supports evidence-based standards and follows guidelines that ensure young children are receiving the highest quality care available in early education.

In line with our mission, we have been providing professional development to the early childhood workforce, elevating a quality initiative for all childcare centers in Indian River County. Childcare Resources’ outreach efforts focus on providing quality care for all young children in our community through various workshops and programs, such as:
Professional Development Workshops
Early Educator Coaching
Conscious Discipline Immersion Program
Childcare Resources Education Advancement & Training for Early Educators (CREATE)
Director Network
By addressing all of these areas, we help to increase a high-quality learning environment through increased knowledge for early educators and centers in our community.

& Early
The Childcare Resources Wellness & Early Intervention Program (WEIP) provides wellness services to program students and their families, including
Parent educational and support programming
Health and wellness screenings
Developmental assessments
Early intervention services
WEIP also coordinates access to mental health, medical and therapeutic services including occupational, physical, and speech therapies.
At Childcare Resources, it is our goal to not only address the concerns relating to the child, but also the parents and family as a whole.

Thank you!
Every effort has been made to present an accurate list of contributors to the Childcare Resources annual fund in the 2020-2021 fiscal year. Gifts made in support of the capital campaign are not included in this list. We apologize to any individuals or groups whose listing is omitted, incorrect, or incomplete. Please contact the Childcare Resources office with any corrections.
Pinnacle Scholars
Bernard Egan Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Brickman
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Buhl
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burgoon
David E. Retik and Christopher D. Mello Foundation
Davis Family Fund
Grand Harbor Community Outreach
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Haverland
Head, Heart and Hands of Indian River Club
Mr. and Mrs. John Hendricks
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Horton
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hultquist
The Hultquist Foundation
Mrs. Susan Hunter and Mr. Douglas Watson
Indian River Community Foundation
Indian River County,
Children's Services Advisory Committee
Indian River County Hospital District
Janet I. & James Field, Jr. Fund
John's Island Community Service League
Kelsey Family Foundation
Mrs. Roy H. Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lee
Quail Valley Charities, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. John Spooner
Ms. Helen Sarah Steyer
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Steyer
Syde Hurdus Foundation, Inc.
United Way of Indian River County
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Veeneman
Walter S. Johnson Foundation

Grand Scholars
Mr. Brian Baker and Mrs. Kathy Marshall Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Barefoot
Mrs. James Currie
Mrs. Susan Blaxill-Deal and Mr. Scott Deal
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Glazer
Indian River Impact 100
Jake Owen Foundation
James Ford Bell Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Martin
Ms. Margaret J. Mettler
Mr. John P. Moran
Mrs. Roberta Olsen
S and J Newhouse Family Foundation
Stork Foundation
The Sharaja Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Young

Master Scholars
Acts 20:35
Mrs. Mary Sue Brown
Ms. Debbie Deibel
The Fairfield Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. George Fetterolf
Four-Four Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Wanda Lincoln
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. William Munn
Ms. Jill Murphy
PNC Financial Services Group
Puff Family Fund
Riefler Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rust
Saint Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church
Mr. and Mrs. William Scully
Vero Innovations Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Waddell

Mrs. Carrie Adams
Ms. Clare Amato
Mrs. Lois Appleby
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Barr
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Block
Mrs. Colleen R. Bowman
Mr. John Bowman and
Mrs. Shannon McGuire Bowman
Mr. and Mrs. David Brower
Catherine L. Sommers Fund
Ms. Jeanne Cohane
Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc.
The Datha Gene Foundation
David & Robin Ryan Family Foundation
Dill Family Foundation
Elizabeth D. Black Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Floyd
Mr. Robert Franklin and Mr. Charles Mappin
Mr. and Mrs. William Friesell
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Gaertner
Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Jacques Gilet
George E. Warren LLC
Mr. and Mrs. John Gorman
Hammond Family Fund
Harry W. Walker II Charitable Fund
Ms. Nancy Hopwood
Indian River County Sheriff's Department
Mr. and Mrs. David Israel
J. McLaughlin
John's Island Real Estate Company
Dr. Helen Boehm Johnson and Mr. Charles Johnson
Mrs. Douglas Johnston
Mrs. Sheryl Jones
Kahle Foundation
Mrs. Susie Kasten
Kmetz, Elwell, Graham, & Associates, CPAs
Ms. Linda Lemmon and Mr. Denis Conlon
Ms. Margaret Lyons
Mrs. Christina Rhoads Marshall
Mary P. Graves Endowment Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Michael
Ms. Dawn Morton
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Murphy
Peace River Citrus Products, Inc.
Mrs. Natasha Potter
Proctor Construction Company
Mr. and Mrs. David Pyles
Ms. Trudie Rainone
Ms. Helen Taylor Robertson
Mr. Jack Rohrbach
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shriner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Sommers
Mrs. Tracy Sorzano
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Teetz
Mrs. Diane Tingue
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tribus
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Waddell
Williams Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Zern

Ms. Nancy Alderman
Ms. Anne Anderson
Bailey Family Foundation, Inc.
Bank of America Matching Gift Program
Ms. Livya Barreirinhas
Ms. Marilyn Beck
Mrs. Janie Binnion
Mrs. Alanson Horton Boden
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brashears
Community Church of Vero Beach
Croom Construction Company
Dillon Family Fund
Mrs. Phyllis Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. David Dyer
Mrs. Joseph Fahey
Mrs. Terry A. Flaherty
Mrs. Dorothy Gilbert
Ms. Laura Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Healy
Hultquist Giving Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Lambert
Law Offices of Jennifer D. Peshke, P.A.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lees
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lieberman
Mrs. Doris Limbeek
Mr. and Mrs. George Long
Ms. Betty Ann Ludington
Ms. Debbye Mack
Mrs. Carol Mahony
McCord Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David Morgan
Mrs. Reginald B. Newman, II
Mr. and Mrs. Jared Nourse
Ms. Cindy O'Dare
Old 100th Fund
Olivia O'Bryan, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Parent
Mr. and Mrs. John Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paul
Mr. Robert Quaile
The Rosato Plastic Surgery Center
Mr. and Mrs. G. Hunt Rounsavall
SAD Foundation
Ms. Helen Santorine
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schneider
Ms. Leslie Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stork
Mrs. Wendy Streetman
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Swain
Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Woodward
Ms. Jane W. Wykoff
Vero Beach Global Advisors
Vero Chemical Distributors, Inc.

A+ Speech Therapy Professionals, Inc.
Ms. Christine Adonetti
Ms. Sally Alkayaly
Amazon Smile
Ms. Sally Smith Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Arden
Mr. and Mrs. William Bahrenburg
Ms. Denise Battaglini
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bergeman
Birch Family Fund
Mrs. Tena Boehm
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Brackett
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bradley
Ms. Pat Brier
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brock
Ms. Deborah Brower
Ms. Amanda Brown
Ms. Karen Brown
Ms. Jan Browne
Ms. Patricia Callaghan
Carney Family Foundation
Ms. Falen Carnohan
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Carroll Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cauley
Ms. Susan Chenault and Mr. Rick Hahn
Ms. Carol Christensen
Ms. Margaret Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Collins
Mrs. Dottie Connolly
Ms. Lois Conrad
Ms. Lea Crusey
Ms. Susan Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Norton A. Davidson
Mr. Peter Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dayton
Ms. Marcia DeWolfe
Ms. Ann Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. John V. Doggett
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Doggett
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Donnellan
Ms. Wendy Douglas
Mrs. Valerie Dove
Mr. and Mrs. William Driscoll
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Dritenbas
Mrs. Lee Eggers
Mrs. Debbie English
Mr. and Mrs. John Essick
Mrs. Alexandra Estey
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Falb
Mr. and Mrs. Monte Falls
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Farrah
Ms. Joan Fay
Mr. and Mrs. H. James Field
Mrs. Florence Fowlkes
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Frith
Mr. and Mrs. William Gee
Ms. Mary Gibb
Ms. Margaret Gibbs
Ms. Kristi Goodnight-Challenor
Mr. David A. Goracy
Ms. Shelli Gordon
Ms. Nancy R. Gotfredson
Ms. Janie Gould
Mr. and Mrs. David Griffis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gulino
Ms. Angela Guzenski
Ms. Brita Gwinn
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hafner
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Haines
Mrs. Alice Hall
Mrs. George F. Hamner Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Hamner Jr.
Ms. Michele Harr
Mr. and Mrs. John Harris
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Heanue Jr.
Mr. Shawn Heath
Mrs. Emilie Hinman
Ms. Susan Hobbs
Mr. and Mrs. George Howard
Dr. and Mrs. A. Ronald Hudson
Ms. Deborah Hughes
Ms. Ginny Hustead
Ms. Catee Ingwersen
Dr. Jacqueline Jacobs
Mrs. Tommye Johnson
Ms. Kathleen Johnson
Mr. Kent Jones and Ms. Mary Arnold
Joseph and Barbara Marshall
Charitable Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Joyce
Honorable and Mrs. Paul Kanarek
Ms. Danielle Kannapell
Ms. Diane Karper
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kastory
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Keeley
Ms. Brenda Kelsey
Ms. Stacy Kenyon
Mr. and Mrs. James Kielley
Ms. Marilyn Kindy
Ms. Carla Klein
Mr. and Mrs. William Kloppenburg
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lake
Mrs. Anne Lanier
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lindsay
Ms. Luisa Lizarralde
Mr. and Mrs. David Lurie
Ms. Francine Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Lynn
Mrs. Pamela Macaulay
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Macauley
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Maggiacomo
Marine Bank & Trust Company
Ms. Julie Mcallister
Mr. and Mrs. James McGee
Ms. Diane G. McGinn
Mrs. Mary McKay
Ms. Nancy Bird McKown
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory McLaughlin
Ms. Jane McNeil
Mr. and Mrs. David McNulty
Mr. and Mrs. James Meehan
Ms. Carol Meenan
Ms. Brenda Melbinger
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mellett
Ms. Suzanne Mellott
Ms. Brooke Megrue
Mrs. Philip Moloney
Ms. Kayla Montgomery
Mrs. Martha Moore
Mr. Billy Morace
Ms. Amy Morse
Ms. Katherine Mountain
Ms. Terry Necarsulmer
Ms. Barbara Neubarth
Ms. Laurie Newhouse
Ms. Kate Olea
Mrs. Mary Orticelli
Mrs. Mary Pallone
Ms. Sophia Panos
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Parent
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Parks
Ms. C. Sue Perreault
Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Peschio
Ms. Jennifer Peshke
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Petty
Ms. Marcia Poutiatine
Ms. Pat Pritchard
Mrs. Elizabeth Pusser
Ms. Lane Reardon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reisman
Mrs. Bruce Rinehart
Mrs. Susan Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rocke
Ron Rennick Auctions, Inc.
Ms. Jane A. Ross and Mr. Donald M. Ronchi
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rusher III
Mr. Alan and Dr. Chris Ryall
Ms. Kate Saska
Mr. Stanley Saska and Ms. Cindy Karlic
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Schaaf
Mr. Will Schlitt
Ms. Suzanne Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. William Schmitt
Ms. Carolyn Schrader
Mr. and Mrs. William Seely
Ms. Ruth Anne Seni
Ms. Sheila Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. P.M. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Solar
Mr. and Mrs. James Sourbeer
Mr. and Mrs. John Spilman
Mr. and Mrs. James Stasik
Drs. Charles and Heidi Stewart
Mrs. Marie Stiefel
Ms. Mary Struthers
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Sugahara
Ms. Allison Sullivan
Susan and John Turben Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tamoney
Mr. and Mrs. James Atwood Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas
Thrivent Choice
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tulloch
Ms. Marge Turpin
Ms. Carol Twyman
Ms. Aggie Underwood
United Way of Palm Beach
Mr. David K. Utz and Ms. Linda G. Terry
Mr. Richard Vacca
Ms. Jennifer L. Vail
Vero Beach FLASH
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vickers
Ms. Marjorie Waldner
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Walsh
Mr. Patrick Westcott
Mr. Mark Wieleba and
Mrs. Keimberlee Marcil-Wieleba
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Williams
Ms. Andrea Williams
Ms. Nicole Williams
Mr. and Mrs. David Willis
Mr. and Mrs. Don M. Wilson III
Ms. Eileen Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wright