2021-2022 ANNUAL REPORT:
The Story of Your Support
To our generous supporters, thank you for investing in Childcare Resources over the past 28 years, to which I’m honored to say ten of those I have shared with you as Executive Director. Because of your generosity, we can ensure the availability and affordability of high-quality early education and care, provide whole family support, and provide continued learning opportunities for early childhood educators in Indian River County. There is so much to be grateful for and your support is at the top of the list!
When I first started at Childcare Resources a decade ago, I knew we had something special here, something that every child and family would benefit from. We have been able to grow the organization from impacting around 100 children, to expanding our space and implementing robust programming that reaches nearly 3,000 children each year. That is a big deal for our community, and could not happen without you!
I feel pride and excitement as I look back at the last decade, but even more, as I look ahead to what can be accomplished in the next decade. Our Board of Directors and other key advisors have been planning for the future and set the bar high for Childcare Resources as we pursue our goal of increasing the quality of early childhood education throughout Indian River County, and beyond.
Thank you for making this critical work possible by investing in Childcare Resources, and ultimately investing in the future of our community. Together, we can change a generation of children, one year at a time!
Warm regards,
Shannon McGuire Bowman, MEd, MA, CFRE
Executive Director

Above: In 2013
Below: In 2022


Grants 43%
Contributions 34%
Parent Tuition 11%
Special Events 6%
Other 6%

Childcare Resources School 63%
Contracting Centers 12%
Fundraising 10%
Management & General 7%
Outreach 5%
Family Support 3%
Summary of the audited June 30, 2022 financial statements prepared by Jacoby & Handley, PLLC. A copy of the audited financial statements is available upon request.
The Story of Your Support
"Without you, I would not have been able to afford such great care for my boys!"
-Program Parent

You write a story of educating children
Through your support, Childcare Resources provides a spectrum of early childhood education services that benefit the entire community. It starts with providing high-quality, nationally-accredited care to children from across Indian River County. But it doesn't end there...
When a student is in need of additional services or resources, the Wellness and Early Intervention Program (WEIP) jumps in to coordinate assessments and therapeutic services. Students can receive occupational, speech, and other therapies during the school day.
"I wouldn't be able to attend school and work full-time if it weren't for you.
I am eternally grateful for you!"
-Program Parent

You write a story of supporting families
WEIP also assists program families, connecting parents and caregivers with local resources to ensure that basic needs are met. Through this support, program families in need have been able to secure housing, furniture, food, and more.
In addition, parents and families stay involved with their child’s education through volunteer service and participation. As a result of your help, Childcare Resources provides training and engagement opportunities for program families.
"I am so happy to be given the opportunity to reach my goal of becoming a teacher and helping children learn and grow.
Thank you for all of your help!"
-CREATE Program Graduate

You write a story of
strengthening a community
Through your generosity, Childcare Resources provides training to local educators, too. One-on-one coaching, intense training, and opportunities in higher education work together to help local early childhood educators accomplish their own goals and become more effective in the classroom.
Your support enables effective teachers, supported families, and individualized care to provide the life-changing impacts of quality early education. Together, we are changing our community one child at a time.
Thank you!
Bernard Egan Foundation
Mrs. Susan Blaxill-Deal and Mr. Scott Deal
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Brickman
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Brower
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burgoon
Mrs. James L. Currie
David E. Retik and Christopher D. Mello Foundation
Davis Family Fund
The Educational Foundation of America
Mr. and Mrs. H. James Field, Jr.
Grand Harbor Community Outreach
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Haverland
Head, Heart and Hands of Indian River Club
Mr. and Mrs. John Hendricks
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Horton
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hultquist
Ms. Susan Hunter and Mr. Douglas Watson
Indian River Community Foundation
Indian River County Children's Services Advisory Committee
Indian River County Hospital District
Jake Owen Foundation
John's Island Community Service League
Kelsey Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lee
Matthew J. & Anne B. Smith Foundation
Quail Valley Charities, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John Spooner
Ms. Helen Sarah Steyer
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Steyer
Syde Hurdus Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Linda Terry and Mr. David Utz
United Way of Indian River County
Walter S. Johnson Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Barr
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Buhl
Mr. and Mrs. George Fetterolf
Four-Four Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Glazer
Ms. Nancy Hopwood
J. M. Hopwood Charitable Trust
Mrs. Kathleen Johnston
Leo and Yuki Graham Foundation
Ms. Wanda Lincoln
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Martin
Minotty Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mitchell
Mr. John P. Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Newhouse
PNC Foundation
Pyles Family Grant Fund
Mr. Donald Riefler
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Rogers
The Sharaja Foundation
Stork Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Veeneman
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Young
Mr. Brian Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Block
Mrs. Mary Sue Brown
Elizabeth D. Black Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson C. Floyd
Mr. J. C. Hanks
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hughes
John's Island Club Members
John's Island Real Estate Company
Ms. Linda Lemmon and Mr. Denis Conlon
Mrs. Gerard Lynch
The M&T Charitable Foundation
Ms. Kathryn Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. William Munn
Ms. Jill F. Murphy
PNC Financial Services Group
Puff Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. David Pyles
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Waddell
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Waddell
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Zern
Ms. Clare Amato
Mrs. Lois W. Appleby
Ms. Jane Austin
Captain and Mrs. Steve Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Barefoot
Ms. Christine Barry
Bart's Blue Star Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Berghorst
Ms. Janie Binnion
Mrs. Colleen R. Bowman
Mr. John Bowman and
Mrs. Shannon McGuire Bowman
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brashears
Mr. and Mrs. William Brewster
Mr. and Mrs. David Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Bullock
The Community Church of Vero Beach
David and Robin Ryan Family Foundation
Ms. Maryanne Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dill
Dillon Family Fund
Ms. Kelly Donovan
Ms. Judith Okeefe Drexel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edmiston
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Farnsworth
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Friesell
Mr. and Mrs. William Gee
George E. Warren LLC
Mrs. Dorothy Gilbert
Mrs. Mary P. Graves
Hammond Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Healy
Mr. and Mrs. David Hentschel
Mr. and Mrs. David Israel
J. McLaughlin Vero Beach
Mrs. Elizabeth Jacobsen
Mr. and Mrs. Rodolph Johnson
Mrs. Ellis Jones
Kahle Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Keough
Ms. Judith Caldwell Lafage
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Leahey
The Lenox Foundation Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lieberman
Mr. and Mrs. George Long
Ms. Evy Lynch
Ms. Margaret Lyons
Mrs. Christina Rhoads Marshall
Mr. James D. Marver and Mrs. Shirin Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLean
Ms. Margaret JoAnn Mettler
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Michael
Mr. and Mrs. David Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. James Morphy
Ms. Dawn Morton
Mrs. Reginald B. Newman
Ms. Helen O'Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Pelletier
Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips
Putnam Foundation
Ms. Trudie Rainone
Ms. Judie Robbins and Mr. Howard Halligan
Mrs. Helen Taylor Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rohrbach
Ms. Patricia Santagata
Ms. Helen Santorine
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shriner
Mr. and Mrs. John Sommers
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Sorensen
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Sorzano
Ms. Charlotte S. Stifel
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Teetz
Mrs. Ann Tharpe
Ms. Susan Van Der Stricht
Vero Beach Global Advisors
W. Y. Campbell Family Foundation
Williams Family Fund
Rev. Susan C. Wyper
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Albani
Ms. Nancy A. Alderman
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bailey
Ms. Livya Barreirinhas
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Conlee
Mrs. Nancy Devlin
Ms. Phyllis Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dorrance
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart A. Dunn, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Dyer
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Farrah
Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Fields
Ms. Margot Funke
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Gaertner
Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Jacques Gilet
Mrs. Ann Hamner
Ms. Laura H. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. George Howard
Ms. Susan Kasten
Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Kelley
Kmetz, Elwell, Graham, & Assoc. PLLC
Law Offices of Jennifer D. Peshke, P.A.
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Lohuis
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Lynn
M&T Bank
Ms. Debbye Mack
Mr. and Mrs. Ross McConnell
McCord Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. John McLaughlin
Ms. Sandra McManus
Ms. Terry Necarsulmer
Northern Trust
Ms. Gail Nourse
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Parent
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Parks
Mr. and Mrs. J. Peter Pierce
Ms. Cathy Powers
Ms. Sandra Rennick
The Rosato Plastic Surgery Center
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Schisser
Seaside Smiles Pediatric Dentistry
Mrs. Elizabeth Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stork
Mrs. Wendy Streetman
Ms. Molly Teter
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Thornton
Mrs. Diane Tingue
Ms. Janet K. Tribus
Vero Chemical Distributors, Inc.
Vero Innovations Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Welsh
Ms. Jane W. Wykoff
Anonymous (3)
Ms. Christine Adonetti
Mrs. Janice Alfano
Ms. Sally Alkayaly
Amazon Smile
Ms. April S. Anderson
Mr. Mark Anderson and Ms. Susan Monagle
Mr. Martin Anderson and Mrs. Jennifer Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Jay A. Anglada
Anne Cooney Family Charitable Fund
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Arcati
Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Arden
Ms. Elizabeth B. Arnold
AYCO Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Bahrenburg
Mrs. Henrietta Barber
Ms. Patricia Barry
Ms. Kerry Bartlett
Ms. Denise Battaglini
Ms. Kelly Baysura
Ms. Lani M. Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Benedict
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Bergeman
Mr. and Mrs. William Berls
Mr. Bill Blomberg
Ms. Tena Boehm
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bond
Ms. Sandra Bowers
Mr. and Mrs. Hallam Boyd, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bridges
Mrs. Nancy Briggs
Ms. Deborah Brower
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brown
Mrs. Susan Caron
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse L. Carroll, Jr.
Ms. Boots Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cauley
Ms. Susan Chenault and Mr. Rick Hahn
Ms. Rose Ciampa
Mrs. Gaila Ciccarone
Mr. and Mrs. John Clifford
Mr. Richard R. Cobb
Ms. Jeanne Cohane
Ms. Margaret Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cornett
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Corr
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Curley
Ms. Susan M. Curtis
Mrs. Sherrie Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dayton
Mr. Peter J. Dee
Mrs. Barbara Diemer
Ms. Dana DiFrancesco
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Dillon
Ms. Ann Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Doggett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doumar
Mrs. Valerie Dove
Mr. and Mrs. William Driscoll
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Dritenbas
Ms. Carol C. Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Robert English
Mrs. Alexandra Estey
Mrs. Barrie Fahey
Mr. and Mrs. Monte Falls
Ms. Cornelia Ferguson
Mrs. Terry A. Flaherty
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fleming Jr.
Ms. Nancy Forlines
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Fox
Ms. Jennifer Frederick
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Frith
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fuller
Ms. Mary B. Gallatin
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gefaell
Ms. Margaret Gibbs
Mr. Terry Gilliam
Mr. and Mrs. David Gookin
Mr. David A. Goracy
Ms. Shelli Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Gorman
Ms. Nancy R. Gotfredson
Mr. and Mrs. David Griffis
Mrs. Roger Grimm
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Gulino
Ms. Melissa M. Gullquist
Ms. Brita Gwinn
Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Haas
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hafner
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Haines
Mrs. Alice Hall
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Hamner, Jr.
Mrs. Robert Hardy
Ms. Michele Harr
Ms. G. Anne Harris and Mr. Seth Milliken
Ms. Michael Joy Hauser
Mrs. Albert Hazlewood
Mrs. Geraldine M. Heister
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hennig
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. James Hill
Ms. Grace Hinkley
Mr. and Mrs. George Hinman
Ms. JoAnn Hitt
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hobbs
Mrs. Aileen Hoguet
Ms. Marcia Holland
Ms. Ann Holmes
Ms. Kathleen Holoubek
Dr. and Mrs. A. Ronald Hudson
Mr. Charles and Dr. Helen Boehm Johnson
Ms. Ann Jones
Mr. Kent Jones and Ms. Mary Arnold
Joseph and Barbara Marshall Charitable Fund
Ms. Michelle Julian
Hon. and Mrs. Paul Kanarek
Ms. Diane H. Karper
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard H. Kastory
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Keeler
Mrs. Regina C. Keeley
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Kielley
Mr. and Mrs. William Kloppenburg
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Laurie
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lautenbach
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lees
Dr. and Mrs. Lee Legler
Ms. Irene Lener
Mrs. Mary Lewisy
Mrs. Doris Limbeek
Ms. Luisa Lizarralde
Ms. Evelyn Lord
Mr. and Mrs. David Lurie
Ms. Francine Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Roger M. Lynch
Mrs. Mary Susan Lyon
Mrs. Susan MacDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Maggiacomo
Mr. and Mrs. James Manley
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mannino
Marine Bank & Trust Company
Mr. and Mrs. Terence Martin
Ms. Carol McCoy
Dr. and Mrs. Hugh McCrystal
Ms. Diane G. McGinn
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McGlynn
Ms. Maryann McKee
Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael McKeever
Ms. Nancy Bird McKown
Mrs. Jane McNeil
Mr. and Mrs. David McNulty
Ms. Carol Meenan
Ms. Ellen Mello
Ms. Suzanne R. Mellott
Ms. Alice M. Mencke
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Michels
Ms. Frances L. Miley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller
Ms. Jo Anne Monell
Mrs. Martha Moore
Mr. Michael Moore
Ms. Claudia Morgan
Ms. Amy Morse
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mortimer
Ms. Katherine W. Mountain
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Muir
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Neilson
Ms. Laurie Newhouse
Ms. Cynthia Dickes Nicolaides
Mrs. Diane Rae Nielson-Cito
ONEHOPE Foundation
Mrs. Mary Orticelli
Ms. Christine Osborne
Ms. Angel Padulo
Mr. and Mrs. John Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paul
Ms. Kristina Pernfors
Ms. Jennifer Peshke
Ms. Patricia Petrillo
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Petty
Ms. Patricia Jo Pflug
Ms. Patricia Piche
Mr. and Mrs. James Poole
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Portell
Mrs. Natasha Potter
Ms. Marcia Poutiatine
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pritchard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Quinn
Ms. Megan E. Raasveldt
Mr. and Mrs. D. Barry Reardon
Ms. Susanne M. Redmond
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Reiser
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Reisman
Ms. Tiffany Reuter
Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy Richardson
Mrs. Bruce Rinehart
Mr. and Mrs. William Rodgers
Mrs. Susan Roberts
Ms. Claire Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rocke
Ms. Barbara Rowles
Ms. Barbara Ruddy
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rusher III
Mr. Alan and Dr. Chris Ryall
Ms. Kate Saska
Mr. Stan Saska and Ms. Cindy Karlic
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Schaaf
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Schaus
Mr. Robert W. Schlitt, Jr.
Mr. William Schlitt
Mr. and Mrs. William Schmitt
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schroeder
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schwerin
Mr. Jim Scott
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Sedgwick
Mr. and Mrs. William Seely
Ms. Katherine B. Seem
Mrs. Molly Segal
Ms. Ruth Anne Seni
Ms. Charlotte Shea
Ms. Margaret Sieck
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Slater
Mrs. Emily Snow
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. PM Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Solar
Ms. Clare Sommers
Mr. and Mrs. James Sourbeer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Edward Sproule
Mr. and Mrs. James Stasik
Ms. Rebecca Steinke
Ms. Catherine Stevens
Mrs. Martha Stinson
Ms. Mary Struthers
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Swain
Ms. Melisa Sweet
Ms. Roberta Sylvia
Mrs. Christine Talbot
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. John Tilney
Ms. Mary Tomlinson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tulloch
Ms. Carol Twyman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Tyson Jr.
Mrs. Sallie Ann Ueltschi
Mr. Richard Vacca
Ms. Jennifer L. Vail
Dr. Francis X. Van Houten
Ms. Theresa M. Van Meter
Vero Beach FLASH
Ms. Diane Vickers
Ms. Marjorie Waldner
Mrs. Anne Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Ward
Ms. Jennifer Watson
Ms. Margaret Watson
Ms. William Watts
Ms. Beth N. Werwaiss
Ms. Lynne Whipple
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Wieleba
Ms. Andrea Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Williams
Ms. Gail Williams
Ms. Nicole Williams
Mr. Scott Winn and Ms. Sara Dugan
Mr. and Mrs. Don M. Wilson III
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Woodruff
Ms. Dorothy J. Woodward
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wright
Ms. Nancy Young
Mrs. Janet Younker
Bent Pine Golf Club
The Community Church of Vero Beach
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Donovan
First Service Residential
Grall Law Group
Ms. Nancy Hopwood
Ms. Katie Hutton
John's Island Ladies 9 Holers
Kidz Closet Charities
Law Offices of Jennifer D. Peshke, P.A.
Leigh Jewelers
Ms. Margaret JoAnn Mettler
Ms. Donna Marie Miller
Mr. David Neithercut
Riomar Country Club
Shining Light Garden Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Sorensen
Mrs. George Teneralli
Mr. Kyle Thurn
Ms. Kathy Tonkel
Treasure Coast Pilot Club
Vero Beach Country Club Ladies Golf Members
Vero Beach FLASH
White Orchid Spa
Brian A. Baker
Jim Beindorf, President Elect
Susan Donovan, Immediate Past President Patrick Farrah, President
Ginny Glazer, Officer at Large
Katy Block Healy, Officer at Large
Barbie Horton
Cindy Hultquist, Officer at Large
Helen Boehm Johnson
Jennifer D. Peshke
Amanda Robinson
Karla Spooner
Tracy Sorzano, Secretary
Kyle Thurn, Treasurer
Brian A. Baker
Susan Donovan
Katy Block Healy, Chair
Helen Boehm Johnson
Karla Spooner
Susan Donovan
Patrick Farrah
Katy Block Healy
Barbie Horton, Chair
Cindy Hultquist
Tracy Sorzano
Karla Spooner
Brian Baker
James Beindorf, Chair
Susan Blaxill-Deal
Susan Donovan
Patrick Farrah
David Griffis
Michael Kmetz
Douglas Mello
Kyle Thurn
Susan Donovan, Chair
Patrick Farrah
Ginny Glazer
Katy Block Healy
Jennifer Peshke
Pam Barefoot
Pam Barr
Carol Buhl
Susan Donovan, Chair
Ginny Glazer
Sheryl Jones
Kathy Marshall
Peggy Martin
Claudia McNulty
Joyce Parent
Jen Vail
Sherry Waddell
For some, volunteering is giving.
For our volunteers, it's a way of living.
Childcare Resources students, teachers, and staff look forward to welcoming back our school volunteers at the start of 2023.