Childcare Resources Child-Parent Engagement Night, an interactive and fun evening of promoting growth and learning, saw its school campus bustling with excitement as 108 families participated in activities.
The event centered around the principles of cooperation, connection, and problem-solving, providing families with valuable opportunities to engage with early educators. Participants gained insights into various methods aimed at nurturing healthy communication, both within the classroom and at home.
Tara Beard, School Director at Childcare Resources, emphasized the significance of Child-Parent Engagement Night in building strong relationships between families and their child's teachers. "The bridge we create between home and school, forming our school family, establishes connections that are crucial for the optimal development of all involved."
Throughout the evening, parents and students explored different classrooms, participating in collaborative project stations. Tara Beard expressed, "Each classroom featured enjoyable make-and-take activities designed for families to continue fostering the vital connection between home and school." One standout activity, known as The Kindness Tree, involved children attaching cut-out hearts to a paper-constructed tree, symbolizing various kinds of acts within the classroom.
Adding to the festivities, The Learning Alliance, a valued community partner, brought their Moonshot Reading Rocket school bus. Educators from The Learning Alliance engaged families in a "Sing, Read, Repeat" literacy session, reading the book Old MacDonald Had a Farm to the children.
Childcare Resources’ Child-Parent Engagement Night strives to provide unique educational resources to parents and highlights the importance of family involvement in early childhood education. As Sadie Collet, Assistant Director of Childcare Resources school, explained, “It is wonderful for families to be hands-on in their child’s educational journey. Recognizing the challenges faced by working families, we plan many opportunities throughout the year for parent engagement ensuring all families can benefit from these special experiences.”