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Early childhood educators commit to supporting resiliency at Childcare Resources workshop

A woman stands on a stage speaking to an audience.
Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor Mandy Lloyd discusses the impact Conscious Discipline-based interactions can have on a child’s ability to develop resiliency.

On a recent Saturday, early childhood educators from more than forty child development centers throughout Indian River County gathered to connect, to commit, and to learn about Conscious Discipline and resiliency in a workshop presented by Childcare Resources of Indian River.

In ‘Planting the Seeds of Resilience, One Interaction at a Time,’ Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor Mandy Lloyd demonstrated how Conscious Discipline-based interactions with students enable children to build self-regulation skills and resiliency.

The workshop, the fifth Conscious-Discipline based workshop presented by Childcare Resources since 2015, was attended by close to 150 local early childhood educators. In a March 2017 study, the Harvard Graduate School of Education found that classrooms that used Conscious Discipline, a classroom management program based in social-emotional learning, saw reductions in aggression, hyperactivity, and other behavioral issues.

Two women face each other, playing a hand game.
Early childhood educators practice Conscious Discipline routines and interactions that enable their students to build self-regulation skills.

In addition to Saturday workshops, Childcare Resources offers local early educators the opportunity to work with coaches to further their understanding and implementation of Conscious Discipline concepts. Trained in the method, coaches work one-on-one with teachers in their own classrooms to model techniques and provide feedback on implementation.

“The early education coaches have been so important in helping our teachers use the concepts they learn about in each workshop,” said Tara Beard, Childcare Resources School Director. “Between the workshops and the follow-up assistance available through the coaching program, our school has made great progress towards our goal of model Conscious Discipline classrooms.”

Childcare Resources workshops are funded through a grant from Indian River County’s Children’s Services Advisory Committee.


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