More than 140 early childhood educators from almost forty local childcare centers spent a recent Saturday exploring Big Ideas for Early Mathematics in Childcare Resources’ third professional development workshop of the 2018-2019 school year, funded by Indian River County’s Children’s Services Advisory Committee.
In the workshop, Lisa Ginet, Ed. D, and Joanna Skourletos, M.S. Ed, both of the Early Math Collaborative at Chicago’s Erikson Institute, teachers explored how young children develop the skills that lead to math readiness and discussed how they as preschool teachers can support that skill development.

Beginning at birth, children learn precursor concepts, such as identifying patterns and how to compare objects, that build a foundation for mathematical thinking. Educators reexamined even basic skills like counting as Ms. Ginet asked ”What part of that is a rote skill? And what part of that is mathematical understanding? And how do those come together?”
Starting around three years of age, children learn and strengthen key math concepts like counting and measurement that provide a basis for life-long learning. Ms. Skourletos reinforced the idea that preschool teachers can set the stage for a lifetime of success in math, noting how educators “build on the foundation of understanding in our youngest mathematicians.”
During the workshop, twenty-two childcare center directors with a combined 533 years of early childhood education experience participated in a networking luncheon. In addition to workshops, Childcare Resources provides a number of educational and networking opportunities to early childhood professionals in Indian River County, including teacher and director credentialing, one-on-one coaching, and short-term communities of practice.

Childcare Resources of Indian River, a partner agency of the United Way of Indian River County and Indian River County Children’s Services Advisory Committee, elevates and promotes the highest quality early childhood development and education in Indian River County, focusing on economically challenged children and families. To learn more about Childcare Resources, visit or call 772-567-3202