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Teachers explore fine motor skills at Childcare Resources’ “Write Out of the Box”

More than 125 educators representing 30 local child development centers explored fun activities that promote fine motor skill development in an interactive workshop presented by Childcare Resources of Indian River with funding provided by Indian River County Children’s Services Advisory Committee.

A group of women hold their right hands in the air, mimicking holding a pen.
Activities to develop fine motor skills and enhance handwriting readiness were practiced throughout the workshop.

‘Write Out of the Box,’ featuring registered occupational therapist Dr. Marianne Gibbs, introduced easy and entertaining activities that promote handwriting readiness in young children. Handwriting readiness, a critical component of reading skills and overall school success, begins early, with children as young as two years old already beginning to try to write.

A woman stands behind a table covered in small toys, games, and writing implements.
Occupational therapist Dr. Marianne Gibbs presented ‘Write Out of the Box’ to more than 125 early educators.

“Building fine motor skills is one of the biggest challenges a teacher faces,” said Childcare Resources Wellness Coordinator Tracey Griffis, RN, BSN. “This workshop was able to give educators creative and practical approaches. I love that everyone was able to walk away with strategies and manipulatives to immediately implement these methods in the classroom.”


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